Friday, August 26, 2016

US Secretary of State, John Kerry, Goofed In Nigeria

by Eze Eluchie,

By his itinerary and comments during his recent junket to Nigeria, United States Secretary of State, John Kerry, merely underscored the reasons why the Barrack Obama presidency has been such a catastrophic failure in the area of Foreign Affairs and International relations.

The slant in persons and locations visited and the underlining hypocritical advice (to Nigeria) to apply ‘diplomacy’ in dealing with terror are clear recipes for domestic disaster.

These were the same mannerisms and dubious mindsets which led the Obama administration under the Hillary Clinton tenure as Secretary of State to term Boko Haram a 'socio-economic reaction to economic marginalization' and thus refuse to treat BH as a Foreign Terrorist Organization - under such warped thinking, Al Qaeda and ISIS should be treated as mere affiliates of the Boys Scout movement!

The Obama administration appears intent on exporting its cohort with proponents of extremist Islamist philosophies across the African continent – consorting with the Buhari regime which rode into power in Nigeria on the back of Boko Haram terror attacks and meetings with Islamist leaders in Nigeria some of whom (such as Mr. Sa’adu Abubakar alias Sultan of Sokoto) had within the past few days asserted that ‘Christians commit wicked acts such as crimes against humanity’, as Kerry did during his last visit, without even trying to understand or meet the victims of Islamist extremism in Nigeria, ultimately is a disservice to the United States and hurts US interests and image.

If Mr. Kerry's visit is indicative of what a President Obama's visit would have looked like, then Nigerians of goodwill should be celebrating the failure of Obama to visit Nigeria throughout his tenure.

Picture: US Secretary of State, John Kerry with his primary host during his recent visit to Nigeria, ruler of Nigeria’s Fulani Muslims, Mr. Sa'adu Abubakar alias Sultan of Sokoto.

Friday, August 19, 2016

“800 Boko Haram Terrorists Surrender in Nigeria” – tell that to the marines

 by Eze Eluchie,

The announcement by Nigeria’s Director of Defence Information, Brigadier General Rabe Abubakar, that over 800 Boko Haram terrorists have ‘voluntarily surrendered’ to government forces serve to  crystallizes the reality (even to the most optimistic) that the entire Boko Haram facade was a political charade.

800 Boko Haram terrorists voluntarily surrender to Nigeria Government forces? I guess the Muhammadu Buhari-led junta and our Defence authorities should share this unique experience with Western powers who are forever trying to contain ISIL, Al Qeida, Al Nusra, Hamas and other extremist Islamist terror organizations – one does not need to be a soothsayer to predict that both Barack Obama and his French counterpart and virtually all the leaders in the European Union states would give an arm and a leg for the trailblazing strategy which these characters ruling over the Nigerian contraption adopted to get their erstwhile extremist Islamist jihadist to ‘voluntarily surrender’.

Really? Is the world to applaud this remarkable feat and just wish away the fact that these terrorists were the same bunch who massacred so many, beheaded hundreds, bombed Christian places of worship killing and maiming several thousands in the process; bombed and destroyed the United Nations main office building in Abuja killing several UN personnel and guests in that dastardly attack; and committed other acts of mass attrocities including the Chibok ‘abductions’?

To sweeten the announcement, General Rabe Abubakar further pronounced that the ‘repentant terrorists’ were in a camp in Gombe waiting to be ‘deradicalized’! De-radicalization in Nigeria? Wow! Presumably, the ‘experts’ who were undertaking this ‘deradicalization’ process may have an inkling to what radicalized the repentant terrorists in the first instance.

Following from past treatment meted out to these ‘voluntarily surrendering terrorists’, it would be expected that these ‘ex-terrorists’ will be absorbed either into the Nigerian Military or relevant Government agencies where their terror experience will be adequately put to use – the ‘ex-terrorists’ will be absorbed into these government institutions at an appropriate rank befitting their experiences.

As beneficiaries of terror entrench themselves into governance in Nigeria, and coming soon after the charade of the Chibok ‘abductions’ gets further exposed, the world should ready itself for more absurdities. It is however pertinent that justice, at the international level, be ultimately served to avoid a repeat of this loathsome conduct elsewhere in the world. 

Clearly on the issue of justice for the victims, Nigerian authorities have by their pronouncements and actions shown a clear unwillingness and or inability to prosecute widespread systemic harms occasioned identifiable segments of its population– a veritable criteria for the immediate intervention of international adjudication mechanisms over the harms caused by the politicization of terrorism under the guises of 'Boko Haram'.

Picture: Some BH operatives probably moving to ‘voluntarily surrender'

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Chibok ‘Abductions’: A Crime Against Humanity Crying For International Investigation, Prosecution and Punishments.

by Eze Eluchie,

In a most vile political plot to discredit and vilify the then sitting government, some politicians in Nigeria orchestrated the ‘abduction’ of several hundred secondary school girls in Chibok, Bornu State (North-eastern Nigeria) using the subterfuge of the extremist Islamist terror outfit, Boko Haram.

The world was ensnared into action via the #BringBackOurGirls hashtag which has since turned out to be a most profitable venture for the originators of the hashtag as they have been rewarded with quite juicy political appointments under the current Nigerian government, a major beneficiary of the Chibok ‘abduction’ fiasco.
Several months down the line, video pictures of some of the girls continue to be surreptitiously released in a manner which mocks the world, particularly the parents and relatives, and the complicit Nigerian government chides itself that it does not want to use force to rescue the girls for reasons of their safety. Safety indeed!

The Chibok ‘abduction’ fiasco was and remains a heinous act of the politicization of terror or better still infusion of terrorism as a political tool, which has led to the loss of several lives. Under the Rome Statute, this crime can be validly investigated, prosecuted and punished as a crime against humanity. To ensure such crimes are not replicated elsewhere, the world must act.

Picture: Nigeria’s President, Buhari and another person of immense interests in the Chibok ‘abductions’, Governor Shettima of Bornu State, seemingly celebrating one of the outcomes of the Chibok ‘abduction’, a baby born to one of the 'abducted' teenagers (whilst the teenager-mum who was raped by her captors was being held captive by the terrorists). 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Nigerian Banks: Banking or Brigandage?

by Eze Eluchie,

Across the globe, in climes which have evolved sustainable financial practices which serve to stimulate domestic economies, production and growth, Banks serve a most useful purpose as they are institutions where funds can be warehoused and advanced and deployed to entrepreneurs on conditions which reward innovation and ultimately profit society generally.

In our traditional societies, native cooperative associations served the role of modern Banks, congregating resources and lending to their members as needed under conditions which ensured that capital base of the Cooperative remained secured and the constituent members and society generally profited therefrom.

Fast-forward to the present and what do we have in lieu of hitherto traditional structures for wealth regeneration, provision of ad-hoc, mid- and long-term financial needs? A consortium of opportunistic shylocks with keys to vaults rich in deposits of the collective trod our environment, clothed in suave suits parading a deceptive demeanor of integrity and benevolence whilst on the lookout for entrepreneurs to suck-in and devour. Many a budding idea have been ruined by resort to the extortionist Trojan-horse deals inflicted on creditors by these characters leading to a situation where steering clear from entanglement with this bunch has become a fundamental to success for any genuine business interest.

How did we arrive at the dire situation described in the preceding paragraph in an era where Banks in sane climes are becoming desperate to better serve their populations with sensible fiscal policies? With the European Central Bank, the US Federal Reserve bank and others of their ilk go to great lengths to stress and enforce lending rates (presently at below 1%) that encourage investments, with some experimentation with negative interest rates, all in a bid to boost borrowing and enliven their national business climate, their contemporaries in Nigeria shamelessly announce lending rates of upwards of 25%, rates that can only make sense to a borrower who is in the business of producing or trafficking on illicit substances. After ensnaring undiscerning investors to take loans at the scandalous interest rates they offer, our fancy-dressed shylocks (who in every sense of their words and their operational mechanisms are no different from the notorious Italian Mafia), simply go and relax and like the hangman, wait for when their victims default and move in with repossession orders to liquidate.

The practices that go on in the name of banking in Nigeria are only possible in lawless entities. Queries to these characters manning the banking industry in Nigeria will elicit such responses as: ‘Our lending and interest rates are governed by market forces’, ‘We need to pay our Directors well in compliance with prevailing global trends’ and other distasteful responses. ‘Market forces’? What happens to these so-called ‘market forces’ when the US Federal Reserve, the ECB and their counterparts in Japan and other such climes announce, influence or set lending and borrowing rates? ‘Prevailing global trends’ indeed! The prevailing global trends to fix lending rates below 1% no longer prevail when it comes to the Banking industry in Nigeria?

Those who allow the Banking industry to get away with the brigandage it adopts as business practices in Nigeria can only be persons who hate Nigeria and its people with a peculiar passion. Having destroyed virtually all budding entrepreneurs that have had the misfortune of sourcing facilities from them, and with a view to further perpetuate the poverty that have foisted on Nigerians, our Bankers have resorted to granting the kleptocrats manning the various Governments in Nigeria loans that simply disappear between the Banks vaults and the Government Houses where their accomplices sign away future generations of their respective populations. Some States in Nigeria (and the Federal Government itself) are indebted to banks to sums way above total projected incomes of over a century, without any tangible infrastructural projects to show for the scams – debts that ensure the impoverishment of generations unborn.

A critical part of the restructuring of the Nigerian contraption must involve fiscal restructuring and sanitation of the Banking industry with a view to apportioning appropriate punishment to transgressors and identifying which financial facilities to which the future has been mortgaged are genuine and which are scams.

Picture: ‘Arrest the Bankers’ poster at a rally against bank frauds.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Democracy's New Lows - Assassination Threats In US Presidential Elections

by Eze Eluchie,

As US Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald “some-mothers-do-have-‘em” Trump crudely threatens his opponent, Hilary Clinton, with assassination, Democracy as an ideal at the international stage, attains new lows.

The irony is that keen observers and followers of US politics, electoral patterns and trends and Republican Party mannerisms, realize that despite initial setbacks, Mr.Trump appears to be on a sure trajectory to becoming the 45th President of the United States.

If ‘democracy’ can usher in a geriatric out-of-touch character like Muhammadu Buhari as (s)elected President of Nigeria, affirm a Brexit vote in the United Kingdom, then it may not be out of style for same model to produce  a Donald “some-mother-do-have-‘em” Trump as the next President of the United States of America to complete the circle. 

The utility and efficacy of 'democracy' as the ideal form of government is increasingly being questioned and coming under scrutiny.....

Picture: US 2016 Presidential hopefuls, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

US 2016 Presidential Elections: Donald ‘some-mothers-do-have-them’ Trump – A Threat To Democracy Everywhere?

by Eze Eluchie,

Under normal circumstances and in the true spirit of Democratic values and ethos, people are supposed and expected to make choices that are to their best interest. The unique selling point of Democracy, as a system of government over which several wars have been fought with thousands of lives lost and millions maimed, is that it offers people the opportunity to choose their leaders based on the fundamental believe that, all things being equal, people will go for leaders that add value to their lives and generally better their lot.

Likewise under normal circumstances and all things being equal, the United States had always been looked upon as the ‘bastion’ and ‘defender’ of democracy and democratic values, with several of its foreign policy and international military engagements carried out under the guise of fostering and deepening democracy. A country where democracy has repeatedly served to ensure the emergence of high quality leadership at any given time, serving to ensure great respect for the democratic process across the world, eliciting the admiration of friends and foes alike

Current events leading to the 2016 Presidential Elections in the United States have established that neither are circumstances normal nor are all things ever equal – that much has become clear with regards to the perception of democracy since the emergence of one hell of a queer character, the Donald ‘some-mothers-do-have-them’ Trump phenomenon on the scene of the US Presidential race. A phenomenon which to the amazement of all, including members of the Republican Party to which he has presently shifted his membership, scaled through a most thorough and rigorous Primary series to emerge the Candidate of the republican Party for the November 8 2016 Presidential elections.

That a character of doubtful stability (as chronicled by several high profile commentators in the US, inclusive of President Barack Obama, Senator Cruz, former Governor Jeb Bush and prominent members of the Republican Party and journalists) possessed of the catalogue of incredulity associated with Mr. Trump can scale through a democratic Primary process, clinch a ticket to contest for the US Presidency, with a probable chance of victory during the main elections and subsequent likelihood of being at the helms of the immense economic, social and military authority wielded across the world b the US, senders shivers down the spine of most objective observers of international affairs and serves to question the validity and integrity of popular franchise and democracy as a means of selecting political leaders. From Mr. Trumps mannerisms at his own campaigns rallies (such as asking those opposed to him to be punched and thrown out of the hall or thrown into the freezing cold without their jackets; to asking for a mother to be sent out on account of her crying baby; to repeated assurance to force an independent Mexico to foot the cost of building a wall along the US-Mexico borders; and palpable expressions of ignorance about real life issues and foreign affairs; the litany of absurdities exhibited by the Trump fellow is simply unending. And yet he emerged as winner in a democratic process@#?

If despite its over 200 years of continued governance under a democratic arrangement and a supposedly relatively enlightened populace, a Trump can still happen in the US, one can only feel sorry for the situation across most emerging States in the so-called global south which are pressurized into an all-comer electorate system where all and sundry irrespective of their knowledge and awareness of issues at stake are accorded the ‘right’ to vote – in some climes, a vote can be bought for as little as one single meal, thus leading to the emergence of all manners of sickos and weirdo’s as ‘democratically elected leader’. In one rather pathetic instance of the hypothesis propounded here, under the guise of ‘democracy’, Nigeria incredulously recently (s)elected, in a dubious process applauded by the main ‘custodians of democracy’ – the US and EU, an octogenarian tyrannical ex-dictator notorious for his inclination for ethnocentricism and religious bigotry to rule over a multi-ethnic and multi-religious state. Nigerian, neighbouring West African states and all in that perpetually ‘potentially great’ country are now living testaments to the horrors of ‘democracy’.

From a Sub-Saharan perspective concerned more particularly with how an outwardly engaging and militaristic US would have been quite aggressive in addressing the expansion of extremist Islamist jihadists across the region, one would have wished for a Trump victory come the Presidential elections, but when one totals up the enormity of the damage such a man will cause on virtually all other aspects of international affairs, and that it would be unfair to wish ill on a friendly and exceptional country, one can only hope the electorate in the United States do not wake up the morning after November 8th 2016 wondering what manner of harm they had just bequeathed on humanity.

Picture: US Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump.

As ISIS Names New Head of Boko Haram.

by Eze Eluchie,

Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has just announced as the new Head of Nigeria’ based Boko Haram.
-       - When one realizes that this is the same Boko Haram that the United States under Hilary Clintons tenure as Secretary of State had declared not to be a terrorist organization (refusing to seek it being declared a ‘Foreign Terrorist Organization’ a categorization that would have, at least, stemmed its access to international finances) but a mere ‘socio-political expression against political and economic marginalization’, despite BH’s involvement in several bombardments (inclusive of one at the United Nations Head-Office complex in Abuja, Nigeria) and the actions by the US government to frustrate efforts by then Nigerian Government led by President Goodluck Jonathan to purchase arms to counter, one is left wondering if such failure of perception, reality and intelligence can be excused.

Fast-forward to the present announcement by ISIS: one wonders if before pronouncing this new head for Boko Haram, if ISIS was not informed that Nigeria’s paramount ruler, ‘saint’ Muhammadu Buhari had announced that he had ‘technically defeated’ Boko Haram already?

Is ISIS not aware that ‘saint’ Buhari is a man who ‘comes with a reputation of integrity’ and does not tolerate corruption and terrorism?

A high powered Federal Government delegation led by none other than our ‘saintly’ President, Buhari, and comprised of our patriotic and heroic Generals, particularly the Chief of Army Staff Buratai and other Service Chiefs who take delight in deploying unarmed soldiers and security personnel to kill civilian protestors and petty oil thieves, must as a matter of urgency pay a visit to Mosul (ISIS Headquarters) to let them know who is ruling over Nigeria.

Every lie has an expiry date.

Picture: Image of ISIS anointed Boko Haram Leader, Abu Misab al-Barnawi