Saturday, February 16, 2013

Patching the unpatchable

by Eze Eluchie

The so-called merger agreement between the ACN, ANPP, APGA and CPC is not only fraudulent, it also misses the point.

The signatory on behalf of APGA is suspect. The offer of the alliance as a ‘recipe for peace and prosperity’ is disingenuous. The alliance is a recycling of the old – putting old wine into recycled (not new) bottle

The problem with Nigeria is structural and fundamental.

Any hopes based on the present fraudulent 1999 Constitution will only prolong the misery of the populace and allow a new breed of characters (who have thus far in the governance of the various States under their control, have not shown much difference from the PDP which administers the rot at the federal level) to continue to milk and rob the people.

The APC alliance is all about access to the spoils of battle and has absolutely nothing to do with the people, their welfare, prosperity or wellbeing!

Let’s restructure and renegotiate the contraption whilst there is yet time!

Back to the trenches! 

Picture: Purported APC 'merger agreement'

Tell-tale signals

by Eze Eluchie

News that the several dead bodies found floating along the Ezzu River, in Nigeria's southeastern State of Anambra, are members of the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) who had earlier been arrested by a combined team of the Nigerian army, police and State Security Service men is most shocking, quite worrisome and indicative of dire situations onwards!

Officials of the Nigerian contraption must be held responsible for these and the several systemic mass killings which is unfortunately beginning to characterize the Nigerian polity.

Time for constructive reconstruction and renegotiation of our contraption is fast ebbing away!

Picture: Members of the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) murdered by Nigeria security agents.


Continuation of genocide.....

by Eze Eluchie

Do we still have a National Human Right Commission in Nigeria?

Is there still a Nigeria Police Force which ought to be responsible for securing life and property in Nigeria?

Is there still a Government in Nigeria?

The silence of the Jonathan Presidency, the State Security Service, the Inspector General of police and the entire insecurity apparatus of the Nigerian contraption on the killing of activists of Igbo ethnic nationality whose bodies were dumped into a local river in Anambra State tantamount to official complicity in this most tragic episode.

Would this dangerous descent along the path that led to the Biafran genocide of 1967 - 1970 have been avoided if adequate recognition of past errors and safe-guards to address same had been implemented?

Let's restructure and renegotiate our contraption whilst the windows of opportunity are still open!

Picture: Corpses floating on Ezzu River, Anambra State, southeastern Nigeria (2013).