Friday, October 11, 2013

The "Less Than One-Dollar-a-Day" Untruth.

by Eze Eluchie

An often repeated mantra which founds various foreign developmental and economic interventions in the countries derisively referred to as 'third world’ or 'developing’ countries is the so-called global benchmark for poverty - living on less than U.S.$1.00  a day. The developmental strategies and interventions of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and a plethora of international financial and developmental institutions are ostensibly geared towards reducing the number of peoples all over the world, who live below this proverbial poverty line - the very first goal of the famed Millennium Development Goals (MDG) whose scheduled attainment by year 2015 has mesmerized the international community is so eloquently stated as 'eradicating extreme poverty and hunger'.

The identified goal of reducing the number of peoples living below the ‘poverty line’ is a most worthy cause – what a wonderful world it will be if all persons lived above this ‘poverty line! A thorny issue however emerges in striving towards this lofty goal: ‘how do you ascertain what constitutes the ‘poverty line’ in a world with dissimilar values and value systems?’

Governments all over the world, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa hurriedly reworked their various agendas and no public speech by any self-respecting head of government in any forum geared towards addressing developmental issues in the sub-region could be deemed, after the launch of efforts at achieving the MDG's, as complete without reference to the goal of reducing the number of people living below this mythical poverty level.

Regional interest in ascertaining what constitutes the ‘poverty line’ was spiked recently when media networks across the world went awash with the news that a lady who was bitten by a copperhead snake near Washington DC., had to pay US $55,000 for treatment for the snake bite: which comprised basically of anti-venom and some hours of rest at the hospital. The amount required to treat a mere snake bite in the United States was simply incredulous. Going by the mythical figure of US $1.00 a day poverty line, it would take the several millions living below that level, well over 150.68 years for anyone of them to save enough to afford the cost of treatment for a snake bite! This certainly does not represent the reality.

Reflecting on a similar bite from a copperhead snake which an acquaintance had suffered in the course of a holiday to an idyllic village in southeastern Nigeria – a village where most of the inhabitants, in accord with the projections of the international developmental institutions, certainly fall below the proverbial ‘international poverty line’, the fault inherent in the international hypothesis of a 'poverty level' becomes quite glaring. Immediately it was confirmed that what had bitten my said acquaintance was a snake, the village folks directed the victim to the local traditional healer, a man of prestige and comfort in his rural setting, held in very high esteem by the community. After observing the nature of the bite and hearing a description of the rascal snake, the traditional healer went into his hut, a hut made of mud and topped with roof made from palm leaves which served as both residence and consultation room, and came out with a concoction which he administered on my acquaintance. A few minutes after ingesting the concoction, my acquaintance went into a bout of vomiting, a feat which drew pleasure from the healer and his apprentices – who thereafter informed the victim of the snake bite that with the vomiting, treatment was ended, and he was now ‘discharged’ and free: the venom from the snake bite had been flushed out and neutralized. The bill for this quite, effective less than 30-minute treatment, was less than 200 Nigerian Naira (at today’s exchange rate, approximately US $1.25). The cure was absolute effective!

Does that make 200 Naira in real terms, equivalent to US $55,000 as both sums equal to the cost of treatment for copperhead snakebite? Both sums, in US Dollars and Nigerian Naira, did treat similar life threatening situations. And yet, going by the much trumpeted ‘poverty line’, a local resident of my village will never be able to afford the cost of treatment for copperhead snake bites even if all of one’s savings in 50 consecutive lifetimes were aggregated and addressed to the treatment.

The above comparison could be stretched in a thousand and one directions encompassing various life pursuits, requirements for daily and sustainable existence and human aspirations:

For instance, whilst an apartment overlooking the Atlantic Ocean in Maine, USA could command a multi-million dollar price tag, an apartment overlooking the same ocean in Banjul, The Gambia, would be 'rated' as worth nil-dollars. The fact that both apartments enjoy unrestricted access to smooth ocean breeze, natural ambience and serenity of the surrounding environment seems immaterial in factoring values. One is called a condominium and the other a mud hut – they both however serve as homes to their different owners; these comparisons could go on ad infinitum.

Faced with the diversity of values, it became ‘appropriate’ under a 'new world order', to find a leveling mechanism that would strive at a unified global perception of values, which is precisely what the ‘international poverty level’, strives, with doubtful validity, to achieve.  Apparently, what has transpired in the quest of attaining a global values system or a global equilibrium to ascertain the poverty line appears to be to generally underestimate and undervalue what some others have whilst placing a premium on what is available in other climes – this hypothesis sure sounds smart to those who are in a position to do the ratings and whose values and norms are invariably rated at a premium to the detriment of the values and norms of other cultures.

Abstract as the foregoing discourse may appear, its application has real life consequences in how humanity relates with one another. The consequences are quite dire for the billions of peoples across the globe that are deemed to live below the poverty line.

The totality of the lives and livelihoods of those who are said to live below the poverty line are valued in such a condescendingly dehumanizing and derogatory manner as to engender their being treated and perceived as sub-human. It has become the norm, in some international economic circles and discourse, to arrogantly compare the daily upkeep cost of, for instance, a pet cat or dog or the daily maintenance cost of livestock in some climes with the daily earnings of those who live 'below the poverty line' – and coming up with such unfortunate conclusions as: ‘it costs more to keep a pet cat than what it costs to keep a family living below the poverty line’. This comparison is hurtful, false and indirectly founds a plethora of xenophobic and some racist mannerisms, as in most cases, the majority of peoples deemed to live below the poverty line are of identifiable physical characteristics.

The reality is that every people have their own inherent wealth, values and parameters of determining fullness and well being. For as long as this individuality of peoples is subsumed under an ‘international poverty line’, for so long will the goal to ‘end poverty and shared prosperity’ which the World bank Chief Executive, Jim Yong Kim, now admits to be the goal of his institution, continue to elude us all with the attendant result in conflict and misunderstanding between our race.

Video: Confession of World Bank Chief Executive Jim Yong Kim in interview with CNN’s Richard Quest: the bank was now only beginning to plan for the dual goals to ‘end poverty and shared prosperity’

Picture: Some children who are amongst those deemed by the obnoxious global 'regime' to live below the U.S. $1.00-a-day poverty line but exuding what is obviously a million dollar mien.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Open Letter to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria: The Ship Is Adrift - Need for National Dialogue

by Eze Eluchie

Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan
President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Aso Rock
Abuja, Nigeria.

Mr. President,

The Ship Is Adrift - Need for National Dialogue

On this epoch occasion of the 53rd Independence Anniversary of Nigeria, I feel it appropriate to extend felicitations to your goodself and fellow citizens of the Federal Republic and also share an ordinary citizen’s reflection on the present realities of our country and the need for National Dialogue.

Whilst much has been said about the role providence, as opposed to self-will and determination, played in your ascendance to the exalted office of the President of the Federal Republic, the immutable reality is that, for now, you are The President. History is replete with personalities who had power thrust upon them, and such personalities turned around and made the utmost use of such powers in a manner that made the populations of such countries grateful to providence.

From its inception, your tenure has been badgered with extreme hostility and contempt from diverse sources, including some erstwhile supposedly ‘powerful’ stakeholders in our country, some of who openly boasted that they will render the country ungovernable for your administration – and did true to their threats, unleash a most vicious campaign of terror (particularly in the northern fringes of Nigeria) and calumny against the State, your office and your person. The ensuing polarization and rancor has continued to portray the aura of a polity adrift.

In addition to deploying violence as a means of actualizing the quest of making the polity ungovernable, it appears that ensuring a continuing state of distraction from the purpose of governance using all manners of contrived internal political skirmishes is also being used, with some measure of success, to retard whatsoever efforts that might have been conceived by your administration towards societal advancement.

May I seize this opportunity to remind you, Sir, that by virtue of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria under which you assumed and continue in office, the enormity of powers invested in the President of the Federal Republic is such that will make your counterparts across constitutional democracies all over the world green with envy. The Nigerian President is in reality, one of the most powerful elected political office holders, in relation to its powers within its borders, on earth. One of the late 'founding fathers' of the Nigerian State, Obafemi Awolowo, had stoically asked for ‘just one day’ to act as President of the Federal Republic, and he would have made lasting positive impact. Your goodself have had years in office, and hopefully a few more ahead, and as such, posterity will not accept excuses from you in the event that the expected dividends are not delivered to the State and its populations.

Restructuring and Renegotiation:
From its inception in 1960, the Nigerian State had structural, demographic and constitutional defects. These defects have with increased polarization of the polity, become more glaring and now manifests in routine bloody conflagrations amongst the various components ethnic nationalities of and religious subsets in the country, in the process leading to thousands of deaths and threatening the lives and livelihoods of millions of our fellow citizens in addition to threatening the peace and stability of the entire West African sub-region.

As rightly identified in your 2013 ‘Independence Day’ broadcast, the need for National Dialogue to actualize a Nigeria in tune with the expectations and desire of Nigerians is long overdue. Whilst welcoming your empanelling of a Committee to formulate the structure and process of National Dialogue, one is worried that populating such a committee with personalities, who have contributed to similar processes in decades past and have thus appeared to become recurring decimals, may not achieve the expectation of our population for holistic restructuring and renegotiation of the polity.

With the heightened agitation from various segments of our population for a restructuring and renegotiation of the makeup of Nigeria, the process you have initiated is a historic opportunity to avert a looming apocalypse and thus represent an opportunity Nigeria and its constituent population cannot afford to see fail.

It is sincerely hoped that at the end of the one month period you have announced for the committee to come up with its recommendations, the path forward towards genuine national discourse and restructuring will not suffer the often common fate of most government initiatives of being rendered comatose and that efforts will be made to broaden the discourse to include representatives of diversity of our country and its peoples.

Likely opposition to national dialogue:
As expected, some elements who are perennially opposed to peaceful resolution of or who directly engineered these crisis situations, and others who may perchance feel that they are benefiting from the ensuing mayhem, inclusive of persons who have in the recent past openly advocated for the convocation of a ‘national conference’, will become vocal in opposition to the commencement and actualization of the dialogue process you have initiated. The will of the people, as represented by the clamor for a ‘National Dialogue on the future of Nigeria’ must not be sacrificed for the convenience of a few who have benefitted from the unfortunate circumstance foisted on Nigerians.

In response to persons who oppose an opportunity for Nigerians to dialogue about the country’s future, I do really hope that your Office recognizes the fact that the generality of Nigerians and the international community are quite exasperated by the inability of the Nigerian State to get its act together – the National Dialogue process Mr. President has now initiated, represents a fresh vista of hope and another chance for Nigeria.

Those in opposition to dialogue have aired the view that the existence of the present National assembly makes the convocation of a National Dialogue unnecessary. This argument, sensible as it may sound, flies in the face of reason. The existence of the said National Assembly has, thus far, not prevented the slide to decay and anarchy. The powers and composition of the National Assembly is a critical item in any renegotiation that will have to be undertaken of Nigerian – as such, the present National Assembly cannot be a part of the dialogue process towards restructuring itself and the entirety of the Nigerian project.

Authority for National Dialogue:
A deft interpretation and application of the totality of the Second Chapter of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic and the Executive Powers conferred on The President by the said Constitution, empowers and makes it incumbent upon your Office, not only to ensure that the forthcoming National Dialogue holds, but that the outcome of the desires of the peoples of the Federal Republic is effectively implemented.

The growing insecurity in the land, particularly the war being waged against Nigeria by various terrorist organizations; the blatant rubbishing of constitutional provisions by all component States of the Nigerian Federation amongst other things in disregarding fiscal appropriation mechanisms and not allowing democratically elected officials to govern at the Local Government Councils; and the overriding need to preserve the life and property of the citizenry which are increasingly being placed in dire situations by the actions of some component States and non-State actors in our country, makes it imperative for your Office to ensure that the process of National Dialogue moves ahead, swiftly, to a conducive conclusion.

The outcome of the National Dialogue should be put to referendum under which various component parts of the polity will be at liberty to make decisions regarding their respective futures.

Challenges to the process of National Dialogue will certainly arise from the same characters who had threatened to make the country ungovernable and their cohorts, using such instrumentalities as the Judiciary, the National Assembly, terrorism, paid-orchestrated rallies and some other not so subtle tactics. I believe I need not remind Mr. President that the Office of the President of the Federal Republic and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces is sufficiently imbued with the authority, personnel and wherewithal to overcome such challenges and ensure that the will of the people of Nigeria prevails.

Nigerians and the international community can simply not afford the costs of a catastrophic disintegration of Nigeria.

Mr. President, Sir, the National Dialogue must not only go ahead but its outcomes should be implemented in the interest of all.

Remain assured of my high regards.

Yours sincerely,

Eze Eluchie, Esq.
Concerned Citizen of the Federal Republic.

Picture: President Goodluck Jonathan

Friday, September 27, 2013

Public Official Missing-in-Action

by Eze Eluchie

Has anyone seen the man whose image appears in the photograph below?

His name is Mohammed Bello Adoke and he is supposed to be the current Attorney General of the Federation and Minister for Justice of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

In the course of the past few weeks, several acts which would have benefited from the intervention and counsel of the office the man in the picture holds have occurred, and continue to take place, without the slightest murmur from either the man or the office he holds. Some of these include:
1. The deportation of Nigerians within Nigeria by some component State Governments in the Nigerian federation;

2. State Governors inciting Military Officers against the President Commander-in-Chief of Nigeria’s Armed Forces - particularly the Niger State Governors address to the incoming Brigade Commander in Minna this week;

3. Refusal of most of the component State Governments in the Nigerian federation to conduct Local Government Elections as directed by the Nigerian Constitution;

4. Institutionalized and rampant acts of discrimination on basis of ethnicity and religion by some component States of the Nigerian federation against fellow Nigerians perceived as being ‘non-indigenes’ in clear violation of trite constitutional provisions;

5. Infringement by some component States of the Nigerian Federation on matters solely within the purview of the federal government;

6. Brazen criminal duplication of structures of lawfully recognized political parties in Nigeria – at going rates, there may be a duplication of political offices such that we may have two or more persons contending to be Legislators representing same constituency, or Governors of same State or even Presidents of Nigeria; and so many more events and occurrences capable of truncating national cohesion and stability.

The man whose photograph appears below was last seen entangled in issues pertaining to the murky deals surrounding the multi-billion dollar Malabu Oil and Gas Limited in respect of Oil Block OPL 245, and has since then apparently foregone what ought to be the main thrust of his office.

Resulting from the very loud silence emanating from the office of the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister for Justice of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, in the course of the aforelisted issues, the Nigerian state appears rudderless and is subjected to the wimps and caprices of all and sundry.

Anyone who sees the said Mr. Mohammed Bello Adoke, supposedly the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister for Justice of the federal Republic of Nigeria, should please implore him either sit up and assume the responsibilities expected of his office or give way for others willing to be responsible.

Or better still, inform the President of the Federal Republic.

Picture: Mr. Mohammed Bello Adoke