by Eze Eluchie,
Did it have
to take the dastardly attack by ISIS on Paris (13th November 2015)
for the French authorities to realize what mortal harm ISIS posed to humanity
and then embark on the massive ariel bombardment of Raqqah and other ISIS
positions in Syria?
Why has the
United States and its partners failed and or refused to share intelligence on
ISIS with other countries willing to take on ISIS? Only sharing required
intelligence with France after the sordid attacks of 13th November.
Will Amnesty
International, and other such groups, which had the temerity to accuse Nigeria’s military of ‘war
crimes’ and ‘crimes against humanity’ in response to our soldiers robust
reaction to the Chibok ‘abductions’ have the guts to dare question the right of
France to hit back at terrorist elements, wherever they are and whosoever their
backers are, who attacked France on 13th November?
Why has the
world tolerated the romance between Saudi and Turkish authorities and ISIS thus
Why is there
yet no unified stance against all Islamist terrorist organizations and their
funders, across the world? ISIS, AQIM, Al Nusra, Boko Haram, Al, Shabaab or whatsoever!
In the global 'war against terror', there simply
are much more questions than answers. And as the old reggae song goes, ‘the
more I ask, the less I know’.
Picture: French
President, Francois Hollande, declaring the ISIS attack on Paris an act of war
to which France will ‘revenge’.