Friday, September 1, 2017

Nigeria’s Disgraceful Justice Delivery Sector: Regarding Election Dispute Resolution, Shame On Us All!

by Eze Eluchie,

The entire Nigerian Justice sector should bow our it's head in shame.

Two years after elections have been concluded, frivolous applications by unscrupulous attorneys condoned by a fraudulent system continue to bog down decisions on election petitions – allowing criminal elements who rigged elections to continue to fleece the contraption and further pauperize the population.

Within 20 days of the Kenyan Presidential elections, the Supreme Court judgement on a petition filed to protest the said elections was delivered – annulling the August 11 2017 Presidential elections and ordering a re-run.

What else do we expect of a contraption whose so-called ‘Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria’ is in reality a mere Schedule to a Military Decree (Decree No. 24 of 1999 – the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria {Promulgation} Decree 1999), signed into effect by a renegade soldier (a successor/beneficiary of the treasonable act of violent overthrow of a democratically elected government).  

Despite opposition from those who think they are presently benefiting from the rot which the Nigerian system is and represents, each and every aspect of the Nigerian polity is in need of holistic restructuring and renegotiation, lest we continue to be a source of ridicule to our population and humanity.

Let’s Restructure and Renegotiate the contraption whilst there is yet time.

Picture: Scale of Justice on the Nigerian colours.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Winding Up The #BringBackOurGirls and #BH Scam

by Eze Eluchie, 

The publicity outfit charged with Nigeria military operations against Boko Haram (PRNigeria) has been announcing with child-like relish, the ‘surrender’ and confessions’ of a so-called BH Commander, Auwal Ismaeela, who amongst other feats, owned up to being part of the terrorists who masterminded and executed dastardly terror attacks amongst which include the Chibok ‘abductions’ (during which over 300 secondary school students were taken away from their school), the massacre at federal Government College, Bunu Yadi (during which 47 male secondary school students were slaughtered). It appears the Military's Directorate of Publicity is 'shy' to announce the 'monumental' feat by itself.

In the Press Release by the media outfit, BH Commander Auwal states: “myself and Abu Hasfat, a Boko Haram Commander, led other squads to abduct the Chibok girls. We led the operation to invade Gwoza, Bama. Limankara Mobile Barracks, Bita, Bosso, Madagali, Chibok, Pulka, Firgi and Mubi”. Continuing, the PRNigeria release states: “in an interview with PRNigeria at a Military facility for the repentant and surrendered Boko Haram members in the Northeast, the ex-terrorist leader said he regretted the atrocities he was forced to commit against humanity”. This Auwal Ismmaeela fellow had virtually owned up to been the Commander of virtually all major Boko Haram operations in Nigeria.

Hurray! Hurray!! The search is over. The perpetrators and leadership of Boko Haram have surrendered and confessed to their sins. We must now forgive all the beheadings, mass rapes and abductions; bombings at public places which killed several hundreds and maimed countless more. We can now all go back to sleep and presume the abductions, the killings, destructions all never took place or were a figment of our joint imaginations.

With this Auwal Ismaeela character in custody, need we look any further? Why bother with any Shekau (spurious BH leader) when we have a bird in hand who has confessed to virtually all the ‘confesables’?

The stark reality is that the ruse of the Chibok ‘abductions’ and other vile terroristic acts perpetuated under the subterfuge of BH has yielded desired political goals. There is thus the need to bring the ‘noise’ generated to an acceptable and plausible end. How else do you do this without a major ‘surrender and confession’?

In the interim, those who are suspected to have orchestrated, funded, instigated, promoted and encouraged the adoption and deployment of terror as a political strategy and means to attainment of political power continue to enjoy the fruits of their ‘labour’ - spoils of the very high political offices they now occupy in Nigeria.  

Hopefully, it will by now have dawned on former US First Lady (Michelle Obama), former UK Prime Minister (Dave Cameron), CNN Anchor (Christian Amanpour) and countless others including several celebrities around the world and hundreds of Nigerians who were sucked into carrying the #BringBackOurGirls placards that they had merely been swindled by a most vicious cabal whose desperation to grab political power in Nigeria knew no bounds, and merely viewed the abduction of innocent school girls and the harm occasioned to the damsels (including the fact that some were wasted) as mere collateral damages in the quest for power.

With the surrender, ‘confession’ of Boko Haram leaders who participated in the Chibok ‘abductions’ and the subsequent enrolment of these scumbags into the Nigerian governments ‘sophisticated’ amnesty and ‘re-education’ program, the curtains are being drawn on the Chibok abductions and the wastage of hundreds of other lives by BH terrorists in several schools and communities across Nigeria’s north-east region.
......and all lived happily ever after? Really?

With all situations where thugs are empowered with weapons by their paymasters, there is always the reality that not all of those thugs will be willing to return the arms they were given at the end of the 'assignment'. Despite Auwal Ismaeela's 'surrender and confessions', there will still be many thugs like him, who having tasted the power derived by unbridled control and use of weapons, will not let go easily of such weapons, even when being coerced with cash, positions and whatsoever.  

There ought to and should be accountability for mass atrocities.

Nigerian newspaper publication on the capture of BH Commander, Auwal Ismaeela

Picture: Boko Haram logo

Thursday, August 24, 2017

America’s Russian-Nightmare Returns Home

by Eze Eluchie,

By his very size, you simply could not ignore him and he was unmistakable – he filled any room he was in.

The ever present boyish grin which adorns his face elicits an endearing smile from whosoever comes into first contact with him – and this obviously opens quite a lot of doors, hearts and secrets for his employers.  

The size and ambience appeared to have worked extremely well for Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak.

After a decade of service to his country as its Ambassador to the United States, during which period he developed, explored and sustained contacts with his host country, reaching out to influential elements in US political, business and social circles, Sergey Kislyak, is finally returning to his home country where he is being received as hero who admirably navigated very turbulent waters during the Obama presidency, culminating his tenure by achieving the unthinkable - superintending over a successful Russian interference in US presidential elections.

In the build-up to the November 2016 US Presidential elections, it had been quite clear to all that the Russian Federation had a preference for an identifiable and clear candidate between the two main candidates in the US. The Russian preference was easily discernible and was boldly asserted and shown by Russians of all works of life, from the Kremlin, President Putin all the way through to cab drivers and waiters on the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Despite the fact that subterranean efforts were deployed by Russia through its maze of covert security operatives and agencies, the task of frontally representing the interest of the Russian Federation, and ensuring that the desires of the ‘motherland’ come to fruition, rested on the broad shoulders of Amb. Kislyak.  

In brash, discreet and diplomatically unprecedented moves, Ambassador Kislyak met with and discussed ‘issues’ surrounding the US Presidential elections with key members of the inner caucus of the Presidential Campaign organization of Russia’s preferred candidate, such as Michael Flynn {Former US National Security Adviser}, Jeff Session {current US Attorney General}, Jared Kushner {US Presidents Special Adviser and influential son-in-law} and so on – meetings that have only begun to be revealed several weeks after the US Presidential elections have long been concluded and the deed already done. With each revelation of a clandestine meeting with Ambassador Kislyak, the realization of how deeply engrained the level of Russian interference in selecting the 45th POTUS became clearer to many Americans.

At one point, it became obvious that politicians in Washington DC were examining their social and private meetings to verify if they had ever come into contact or been in the same room with Ambassador Kislyak. Any previous interaction with Ambassador Kislyak, or even dreams where the Ambassador had featured in, became a source of concern to politicians in the capital city.

An unfortunate outcome of Ambassador Kislyak’s successful tenure in Washington DC., is that any hope of US – Russia collaboration in efforts to defeat extremist Islamist terrorism virtually evaporated as the US establishment now appears to have directed its embarrassment and disgust at the successful Russian interference in US Presidential elections at thwarting any efforts at rapprochement, amity and collaborations between the Trump administration and Kremlin. President Trump is, himself, forced to act against Russian interests in manners in which he ordinarily would have exercised reservations – such as with the attack on the Syrian Air Force base in – in a bid to show ‘independence’ from The Kremlin.

Hopefully with the return of Ambassador Kislyak to his home country, tension will be diffused and it will be possible to downplay the issue of Russian interference in US elections and focus once more shifted towards ensuring that the two main global powers positively engage with themselves and work towards ensuring the extermination of extremist Islamist terrorism and other vices of existential concern to humanity.

Picture: Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.