Sunday, January 29, 2017

Travel Ban on Nationals of Seven Muslim-Majority States: Donald Trump, You Got It Wrong!

by Eze Eluchie,

The bombastic that he is, when Donald Trump as a candidate for the US Presidential elections was announcing at virtually all his campaign stops that he would, if elected, ban all Muslims from travelling into America, many an observer felt that such gross talk was merely to key into the base sentiments of the so-called middle-class fellows who had been abandoned by globalization and felt a need to ‘retrieve their America’ from whosoever.

The candidate is now POTUS and to the consternation of the international community, what had been thought of as mere campaign rhetoric has been signed into an Executive Order which bans travel to the United States of America by nationals of the following 7 Muslim-dominated countries, to wit: Yemen, Libya, Tunisia, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq and Iran! By fiat, a blanket embargo had been placed on all individuals whose sole criteria was being nationals of the 7-listed countries irrespective of their personal differences.

Whenever there is a blanket labelling of any group of people based on their religion, race, colour, particular physical peculiarities or other subjective criteria, and such subjective criteria forms the sole basis of apportioning benefits or liabilities, humanity hurts; as fairness, justice and equity takes the backseat. Experts in human psychology will readily confirm the commonality of our humanity. Human beings, of whatsoever race, creed, colour and wheresoever they may be located on earth are comprised of a similar number of basic building blocks, chromosomes. Saintly or criminal dispositions can be found in peoples of all races, nationalities and religions. Just like there are persons of saintly dispositions who happen to be nationals of European and North American countries or of any creed whatsoever, there are also persons of same disposition amongst the countries who are now subjected to very unfair categorizations resulting from the Executive Order, irrespective of creed.

What really did Mr. Trump hope to achieve by this clearly not well thought out blanket ban? Further alienate the nationals of these countries? Increase the recruitment base for extremist Islamist terror organizations? Make nationals of the listed countries who might have contributed or are contributing or intending to contribute to US advancement have a rethink? Ready the minds of other Muslim-dominated countries and Muslims generally where ever they may reside of whatever nationality (including Americans) begin to harbour ill-will against the US? The questions are endless, all in the negative without any likely positive purpose of such blanket ban.

When it is realized that nationals of the embargoed countries have not participated in any terrorist attacks against the US on US soil for the past several decades, as opposed to some other financially and strategically well-endowed countries Muslim-dominated countries within the same region whose nationals seem to have a passion for attacking the US (particularly Egypt and Saudi Arabia whose nationals formed the bulk of the terrorists who participated in 9-11), the use of the guise of security threats posed by nationals of the listed countries as the excuse to place the blanket ban exposes a unique personal flaw of Mr. Trump that had previously only been hinted at – a willingness to move against supposedly weaker states whilst shying away from confronting stronger adversaries – the countries whose nationals are banned from travelling to the US, with the exception of Iran, are relatively weak states.

Immediate dire consequence of this ban will manifest firstly in Somalia, where efforts to shore up the internationally recognized Government will be be dealt a near fatal blow by the blanket categorization of all Somalis.  Al-Shabab will be celebrating the travel ban as most Somali’s will now have no other option than to pitch tents with its ‘the-West-hates-us’ ideology.  The people of Sudan who are now made to join their long-term dictator and fugitive from ICC-trial, Omar al-Bashir in the list of those banned from travelling to the US may begin to rethink their hostility to Al-Bashir who is now made to look like ‘one of them’. The only entities who are celebrating the travel ban will surely include ISIS, AQIM, l Qeida and other extremist Islamist terror groups whose job of soliciting for more converts has suddenly been made easier.

There is no doubt that every country has the right to protect its citizens from harm and terrorists the best way it knows how, but such protections cannot be in a manner that contradicts basic norms of decency and has all the potential of boomeranging  to cause greater harm.  It is difficult to see in any way the travel ban would benefit any interests of the United States or its position as a leading democratic nation or the so-called ‘leader of the free world’.  

On the ban of travel to the United States for nationals of 7 Muslim majority countries, Mr. Trump, you got it woefully wrong!

Picture: Placard at rally protesting the travel ban.

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