by Eze Eluchie,
The Nigerian
Constitution starts with a massive lie of historical proportions:
“We the people of the Federal
Republic of Nigeria
Having firmly and solemnly resolve,
to live in unity and harmony as one indivisible and indissoluble sovereign
nation under God, dedicated to the promotion of inter-African solidarity, world
peace, international co-operation and understanding
And to provide for a Constitution for
the purpose of promoting the good government and welfare of all persons in our
country, on the principles of freedom, equality and justice, and for the
purpose of consolidating the unity of our people
Do hereby make, enact and give to
ourselves the following Constitution”
No people of
Nigeria firmly and solely resolved to do anything, talkless of live in ‘unity
and harmony as one indivisible and indissoluble sovereign nation under God’ –
which God or god by the way?
No people of
any Federal Republic of Nigeria “hereby
make, enact and give to ourselves the following Constitution”
As at the
date of the commencement of Nigeria's 4th Republic and the inauguration of General Olusegun Obasanjo as President on May 29th, 1999, what is now being
touted as the Constitution of the Federal Republic was still been concocted by elements empaneled by the General Abubakar Abdulsalam regime. In reality, then President Obasanjo swore to uphold a then non-existent Constitution, a fictional document.
The final
document that was churned out as the Constitution of the Federal Republic of
Nigeria 1999 whilst protecting the key aspirations of the military coupists and
dictators who were at the helm of Nigeria’s affairs by May 1999, was replete
with grammatical and factual blunders including the odd and nauseating
provision that the head of the Independent National Electoral Commission must
be a member of a political party – a provision of the 1999 Constitution that
was amended after interventions initiated by myself (via correspondence with the
Senate President and litigation - Suit Number FHC/L/C/CS/867/2010).
In reality,
what is being touted as the ‘Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria’
is merely a Schedule to a Military Decree produced by military fiat by the dictator who
was then presiding over the affairs of the Nigerian State in 1999, General
Abdulsalam Abubakar, “The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
(Promulgation) Decree of 1999” also known as Decree No. 24 of 1999.
conscious of the fraud which is being touted as the Nigerian Constitution,
those who have been opportune to ascend to the Office of President of Nigeria
under this dubious ‘Constitution’ have had a field day ruling in utter
discountenance and disobedience of the provisions of the said ‘Constitution’.
Several efforts at Constitutional Amendments have merely succeeded in cosmetic changes
as the main ingredients which can serve to correct the fundamental flaws in the
said ‘Constitution’, such as the composition of the National Assembly; creation
of States; fiscal responsibilities of component units of the federation; ownership of lands; the
Police Force; and security infrastructure and formations and so on, are deliberately
couched in a manner that makes them untouchable.
The imposition
of Islamic Shari’a Laws as State laws in a supposedly secular federation,
routine monthly ‘sharing of monies’ to various composing segments of a
federation from a supposed Federation Account’ and maltreatment and denial of
citizen entitlements to Nigerians who happen to reside in areas of the
contraption different from where their grand-parents originate fromm are some
of the manifestations of the fraudulent document we refer to as a ‘Constitution’
Those labouring
under the illusion that they benefit from Nigeria’s fraudulent ‘Constitution’,
if any can really benefit from such, pretend to be ready to ‘defend with all
their blood’ the ‘sanctity and integrity’ of Nigeria’s territory and unity, not
realizing that such base talk has been rubbished by the Greentree Accord which
crazily ceded off parts of the erstwhile Nigerian contraption to Cameroun, amongst
other oddities.
happenings, particularly the tacit support, or at the very least complicit acquiescence,
to mass killings being perpetuated by mostly foreign Fulani Herdsmen across the Nigerian
contraption has expedited Nigeria’s descent into a seemingly bottomless abyss garnished
with the blood of citizens of the contraption.
Only a
holistic restructuring and renegotiation of the Nigerian contraption, without
recourse to the skewed and partially constituted National Assembly, inclusive
of addressing the issue whether the currently entrapped component States and regions
want to continue with membership of the contraption, can stop the unwholesome descent.
Picture: General
Abdulsalam Alhaji Abubakar, the man under whose signature Decree 24 of 1999 was
signed - The fraudulent ‘Nigerian Constitution’ is merely a Schedule to this
Very dubious document
ReplyDeleteThe 1999 Nigerian constitution has always and will always be a problem until it is fully changed or amended.