Saturday, November 5, 2016

Continuing Abduction of Christian Girls By Muslim Men In Nigeria.

by Eze Eluchie,

A most worrisome trend is gradually attaining the status of a norm in Nigeria – the abduction of Christian girls by Muslims with the patronage of state and under the watch of security authorities. This worrisome situation falls very much in line with a much touted policy of Islamization of the Nigerian contraption.

From the Chibok ‘abductions’ (98% of the girls ‘abducted’ in Chibok were Christians) to the abduction of Ese Oruru from Bayelsa State to Kano State under the patronage of the Islamic ruler (Emir) of Kano, to the kidnap of Habiba Isyaku (under the patronage of the Islamic ruler {Emir} of Katsina), thousands of under-age and young Christian girls are routinely kidnapped/’abducted’, forcefully married by their captors, and when the State and security authorities are approached by the helpless parents and guardians of these girls to rescue the girls, such pleas are met with contempt, disdain and at times blunt refusal to assist to recover kidnapped/’abducted’ minors.

In the case of Ese Oruru, Nigeria’s Inspector General of Police (head of the Police Force) had categorically stated that the release of the abducted minor would only be when the Islamic ruler (Emir) of Kano gave his go ahead. Ese Oruru remained with her abductors until the return from pilgrimage to Mecca (Saudi Arabia) of the said Emir of Kano, Mr. Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, who ironically is well educated and had served as Nigeria’s Central Bank Governor.  

Whilst the Muhammadu Buhari led junta keeps on feigning angst at the ‘abduction’ of girls at Chibok Secondary School, young Christian girls continue to be kidnapped/abducted by identifiable persons who have protection of the State and police authorities.

Prior to the ascendance into office by the Buhari-led junta, there had been the apprehension, based on the antecedents, activities and pronouncements of Mr. Muhammadu Buhari in the period between his first stint as a Dictator in Nigeria (1983) and Buhari’s foray into partisan politics, that efforts will be hastened towards the Islamization of the Nigerian polity and according greater State protection to Islamic policies and practices. The increased rate of kidnap and abduction of Christian girls and the unwillingness of State authorities to intervene to rescue these under-aged victims gives credence that what had been suspected was now materializing.

The unwillingness of the Nigerian State to investigate, prosecute and punish the perpetrators of what is clearly a systematic practice of abduction, forceful marriage and rape of an identifiable segment of the Nigerian population has attained the level of crime against humanity deserving of international attention.

Video clip of Habiba mother before national television in Nigeria pleading for State and police rescue of her daughter:

Picture: 2 kidnapped Christian girls Ese Oruru (kidnapped and rescued after strident efforts by her mother and Nigerians) and Habiba Isyaku (currently still in the custody of her abductors)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Like Mosul, Like Aleppo

by Eze Eluchie,

The humanitarian disaster that will unfold in Mosul in the coming days is projected to be unprecedented in modern history. With the over 2 million residents of Mosul in its firm grip, the Islamic State (ISIS), notorious for its brutality in treating its hostages, appears set to go down in a blaze of infamy, drowning itself in the blood of innocent civilians under its control. Already, the United Nations and other humanitarian organizations operating in the area, have confirmed reports of mass killings of civilians, dumping bodies of decapitated children and women in rivers and other bestial acts as the liberation forces continue the sure and steady march towards liberating Mosul.

As the progress towards liberating Mosul continues, more evidence of the crimes against humanity being committed by ISIS in Mosul will be unearthed. The situation is made more delicate with the discovery of huge stockpiles of bombs tipped with chemical weapon delivery devices in some of the liberated towns around Mosul – a clear indication that ISIS has chemical weapons in its arsenal and will surely use same with devastating consequences as its control of the city is directly threatened.

With the array of military jets and thousands of tanks and ground troops assembled for the final assault on Mosul, the landscape and skyline of what was previously the second largest city of Iraq will certainly bear a grim resemblance to what has become the Syrian city of Alepppo. The resemblance Mosul will have with Aleppo does not end with merely the physical; it also extends to the tactics adopted by the combating units, the make-up of the combating units and the overriding end result that must be achieved at all costs.  

Like in Mosul where ISIS terrorists are holding the civilian population hostage and using them as shield against attacks from legitimate efforts at liberation, Al Nusra front and other Al Qeida linked terrorist are preventing civilians from leaving Aleppo, using such innocent civilians as human shield and as further fodder to vilify legitimate efforts at liberating Aleppo. Also, like in Mosul, the AQ-linked terrorist organizations (ignorantly referred to as ‘rebels’ in some media outlets) have been shown, in a United Nations sanctioned report, to have deployed chemical weapons in their ongoing quest to oust the Al-Assad regime – deployment which caused much sufferings and loss of civilian lives and a mistaken accusation against the Syrian government for using such weapons against its own people.

Also like in Mosul, the battle for Aleppo pits extremist Islamist terror groups against internationally recognized governments, in a manner that the international community must never allow the terrorists to claim victory. Just as Mosul must be liberated at all costs, Aleppo must likewise be liberated at all costs. The world cannot afford one inch of territory in the control of terrorists.

Picture: Mosul, just before it becomes like Aleppo.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Release of Chibok 'Abductees' - The Great Cover-Up Begins

by Eze Eluchie,

According to Nigeria’s appropriately named Minister for Information, Mr. Lai (Lie) Mohammed, after holding several hundred school girls from Chibok for over 900 days, dreaded Boko Haram terrorists, after ‘extensive negotiations’ with Nigerian authorities simply dropped off 21 of the school girls they had in their custody somewhere near the border with Cameroun and informed state authorities where to pick the young ladies!

In his own version of what is fast turning out to be an avalanche of spurious suspect tales being churned out by officials of Nigeria’s current ruling junta, the Vice President, supposedly a Professor of Law, Yemi Osibajo, informed a Press Conference that there had been no swap of prisoners to effect the release of the girls and that “God truly helped us in the negotiations” – one will truly wonder what precise role(s) this god played in touching the heart of terrorists to unconditionally release girls they have held for over 2 years.

The ‘expertise’ being exhibited by those negotiating on behalf of Nigeria’s ruling junta in their negotiations with ISIS-linked Boko Haram will sure be required by the International Community as efforts are made to route out ISIS from Mosul. Perhaps the Nigerian negotiators, who ‘succeeded’ in pricing out 21 ‘abducted’ girls from ISIS-linked Boko Haram with no conditions attached, may consider organizing a crash-course for Iraqi and the United States-led Coalition Forces presently assembling around Mosul so that the world may be spared the ensuing bloodbath efforts to liberate Mosul will certainly turn out to be.

The really sad and worrisome aspect of the shambolic release of the 21 Chibok girls is the haste with which the Nigerian Government, in a bid to exploit what they must have reasoned was a PR opportunity, hurriedly transported the ‘released’ girls to Abuja for a photo-shoot event with the Presidency and thrust the vanquished and vulnerable girls before what was clearly a traumatizing array of journalists and flashlights. Less than 12 hours after the girls were supposedly ‘released’ from the hold of terrorists who held them for over 900 days, without any opportunity to be with their immediate families and or professional counselling, the girls were being aggressively showcased in a manner that left many of them in tears and visibly reclining deeper.

The release of 21 of the girls is obviously a kite being flown. International reaction to this initial phase will go a long way to determine if more will be released or whether the ensuing focus and attention will be considered too burdensome, thus necessitating the expiration of any of the remaining girls..

The world was shocked by the news of the Chibok abductions; the international community was made to carry posters with the #BringBackOurGirls hashtag; The Nigerian Government must thus be forthcoming with explanations when required of it over these releases, and over the entire Chibok 'abduction' fiasco for that matter.

Time for accountability over the Chibok ‘abductions’ is nigh!

Picture: Nigeria’s Vice President, Mr. Osinbajo, addressing the ‘released’ Chibok girls shortly after they were flown for the photo-opportunity in Abuja.