Theme: “Evolving Effective Domestic Drug
Legislations and Policies towards attaining the Sustainable Development Goals”
Date: Monday, 24th July 2017-07-27
Venue: Committee Room 244, National Assembly Complex,
Workshop was organized by People Against Drug Dependence and Ignorance in
collaboration with the Committee on Drugs and Narcotics, House of
Deputy Chairman of the House Committee on Drugs and Narcotics, Hon. Kehinde
Agboola, representing the Chairman of the Committee, Hon (Mrs) Eucharia
Okwunna, declared the Workshop open. In his address, Hon. Agboola looked
forward to the Workshop coming up with actionable recommendation that will
assist the National and State Legislatures evolve appropriate, sustainable and
practical Legislations and Policies on Substance abuse related matters. The
First Ladies of Ondo and Imo States presented Goodwill Messages and likewise
expressed expectations that their expectations from the Workshop. Presentations
at the Workshop were by Ms. Cristina Albertin, the United Nations Office on
Drugs and Crimes (UNODC) Country Representative in Nigeria and Eze Eluchie,
Esq., the Executive Director of People Against Drugs and Representative for Sub
Sahara Africa on the Civil Society Task Force on the United Nations General
Assembly Special Session on the Worlds Drug Problems (CSTF-UNGASS).
Conscious of the fact that the three major
international drug control treaties, to wit: the Single Convention on Narcotic
Drugs 1961 as amended by the 1971 Protocols; Convention on Psychotropic
Substances 1971; and the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988, represent substantive international
benchmarks in addressing Substance abuse issues globally;
Also conscious of the fact that Nigeria is a
State Party to the three international treaties and has consistently (as recent
as in the Country’s Statement before the General Assembly Plenary at UNGASS on
World Drug Problems) reaffirmed its commitment to the subsisting international
treaties and the Revised African Union Plan of Action on Drug Control (2013-2017)
which emphasizes the need to distinguish between criminal and health care
components in addressing the Substance abuse issue.
Recognizing the fact that children and young
persons under the age of 30 years - an age bracket that is amenable to imbibing
positive values on substance abuse control when properly structured in
prevention programs, make up over 75% of the Nigerian population.
Aware that Article 33 of the Convention on
the Rights of the Child to which Nigeria is a State Party enjoins States
Parties to the Convention to do all within their capacity including
‘legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect
children from the illicit use of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances as
defined in the relevant international treaties’.
Further Aware that Section 25 of the Child
Rights Act prohibits the exposure of children to the use trafficking and
production of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
Dismayed by the high level of ignorance amongst
Nigerian children and youths of the dire consequences of illicit use of substance
Further dismayed by the
near-total absence of any data or statistics on Substance abuse amongst
Nigerians resulting from the absence of any agency or organ of government
specifically charged with responsibility to receive, collate and maintain such
Shocked at the near non-availability of
Substance abuse Counselling, Treatment, Care and Rehabilitation services in
Nigeria, and the absence of any agency charged with ensuring the availability
of these services to the Nigerian population;
Motivated by the practice in some sister-African
countries, particularly Kenya and South Africa, where specialized agencies have
been established with responsibility for Substance abuse Prevention,
Counselling, Treatment, Care and Rehabilitation services;
Inspired by an earlier Resolution at a Workshop
organized in collaboration with the Committee on Drugs and Narcotics of the
Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria dated 10th day of October,
2000, to the effect that: “There is the
dire need to establish an autonomous national agency (a National drug Abuse
Prevention Agency – NDAPA), to be responsible for policy formulation and
program implementation on drug abuse reduction in Nigeria. The present
situation where a plethora of federal institution and agencies formulate and
implement at-times divergent approaches and policies to tackle the scourge of
substance abuse, is not to the best interest of the national desire to curb and
eliminate drug abuse from our society. The core-personnel for NDAPA will be
drawn from existing substance demand reduction units in Federal agencies such
as the National Agency for Food, Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC),
National Drug law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Ministries of Health, Youth etc”;
Further inspired by the palpable
disposition of the 8th Session of the National Assembly to work
assiduously towards people-friendly legislations aimed at correcting societal
Realizing the important role of law enforcement
in protecting society, enforcing substance abuse legislations and the need to
enhance the level of expertise and professionalism of the officers and men who
undertake essential, patriotic and risky duties to combat illicit drug
trafficking, cultivation, production and marketing;
Also realizing that the
inherent awkwardness in situating Drug Law enforcement functions in the same
entity as Substance abuse Prevention, Treatment, Care and Rehabilitation, a
situation that has a potential of undermining vital aspects of efforts at
addressing the Substance abuse situation;
Worried about the
avalanche of advocacy efforts (generally initiated and influenced by forces
outside of the African continent) aggressively campaigning for the
liberalization, normalization, legalization of the abuse of substances contrary
to explicit provisions of existing international substance abuse treaties;
Also worried that our weak public health
infrastructure, which is already overwhelmed with Primary Health Care concerns,
Maternal and Child care issues, and infectious diseases, will be least prepared
to cater for the avalanche of tertiary health care concerns if ongoing clamour
for liberalization, normalization, legalization of the abuse of substances
should materialize;
Further worried that our weak
security infrastructure will be further overstretched, and may thus not be able
to cope, with the deluge of Substance abuse related infractions in the event of
the liberalization, normalization, legalization of the abuse of substances –
thus necessitating enhanced specialized training, exposure to latest drug
supply control strategies and procedures;
The following are hereby recommended:
A distinct Federal agency, responsible for Substance abuse Prevention, Treatment,
Rehabilitation and Care issues should be created. The recommendation for an
agency to be known as the National Drug Abuse Prevention Agency (N.D.A.P.A.), earlier
made by a Workshop organized by People Against Drug Dependence and Ignorance
with support of the Committees on Drugs and Narcotics of the Senate of the
Federal Republic and the House of Representatives in Abuja, Federal Capital
Territory, in October 2000, is hereby endorsed.
All 36 States of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, are
likewise enjoined to establish Drug Abuse Prevention Agencies with
responsibilities as highlighted in the paragraph above.
A holistic and comprehensive data-base of the domestic drug abuse situation
(types of substances abused, age of initial use, gender disparities is any, and
so on) should, as a matter of utmost priority be ascertained and collated to
ensure a clearer perspective of the nation’s drug problem and thus enhance the
possibility of effective and adequate response.
4. All strata’s of governments should undertake
spirited and immediate efforts to invest in the training of requisite
professional in the areas of Substance abuse such Drug Counsellors,
Psychologists and other Mental Health and Social care professionals to ensure
the availability of sufficient manpower and human capacity to undertake the
task ahead regarding Nigeria’s expanding efforts at addressing substance abuse
The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Act should be amended to
ensure that Drug Law enforcement, Supply Control and interdiction functions and
allied matters constitute the primary and sole purpose of the National Drug Law
Enforcement Agency. In this regards, Sections 6(1)c, 7(3)a, b, and c, should be
excised/expunged from the NDLEA Act – these are the only portions of the 45
Sections in the NDLEA Act which tend to confer functions over Prevention,
Treatment and Rehabilitation services on the generally law enforcement entity,
which the NDLEA by its substantive statutes is.
While all efforts should be made at preventing the initiation of illicit use of
illicit substances, abuse of substances, particularly in the case of addiction,
should be recognized as a health condition deserving of treatment, care and
rehabilitation where necessary.
The investigation, interdiction, arrest and prosecution and other drug law
capabilities of the NDLEA should be vigorously enhanced to ensure that the
NDLEA is able to effectively deliver on its mandate with regards to Drug Laws
In keeping with international best practices and efforts at prioritizing
health-care concerns, the coordinating agency with regards to issues
surrounding Nigeria’s efforts should be domiciled in the Ministry of Health or
Social services or similar nomenclature and not the Ministry of Justice.
Addressing the substance abuse issues should be viewed more as a public health
issue as opposed to being a criminal justice problem.
Civil Society and Community Based Organizations are enjoined to coalesce into networks
to galvanize sufficient grassroots and popular support towards ensuring that
best global practices in the area of addressing substance abuse demand
reduction and control issues are adapted to the Nigerian situation. This will
ensure that the Nigerian population keys in and takes ownership of efforts at
addressing the Substance abuse situation and avoid the current regime of an
‘us-against-them’ mindset which is prevalent, resulting from the present
primacy of the criminal justice component in addressing substance abuse
Dated this 25th
day of July 2017
Organizing Committee
People Against Drug dependence & Ignorance
Picture: Group photograph of participants at the National Workshop held at the National Assembly Complex, Abuja, Nigeria: