Wednesday, December 2, 2015

When Rulers Get Summoned.

by Eze Eluchie

Why do some of these African rulers do these things to themselves and the territories they supposedly represent?

There certainly are some leaders in Africa who will never condescend to the imagery and reality depicted in the picture below. 

A couple of African rulers (not leaders) seated like naughty school kids being drilled by the Head-teacher, Ban ki Moon – does Alhaji Muhammadu Buhari (Nigeria), John Mahama (Ghana) and their ilk, soberly seated before Mr. Moon, realize that the UN Secretary General is a public servant whose salary and upkeep comes from the contributions of UN-member States, including the African countries?

Most probably, from this session with the UN Scribe, the rulers will take off en-mass to respond to a summons from the Heads of Governments of Brazil, Australia or wheresoever. Mass summons previously honoured with alacrity by African rulers have included invites from the US, France, Britain, India and China.

In all these foreign trips of highly doubtful benefits to the home territories of these rulers, one direct benefit to the globetrotters who often travel in state-of –the-art private jets, is that they never forget to purchase a couple of choice real estates in the countries they visit whilst ceaselessly complaining about their handicap in being unable to harness the rich potentials over which they preside.

The people have to take their destinies in their own hands if they ever want to see the light of day.

Picture: Some African rulers being drilled by UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon.

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