Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Liar President!

by Eze Eluchie,

Perhaps more important than the Constitutionally enshrined and assigned role of a President or Head of State of any territory as the Head of the Government of such country with all its related authority and powers is the salient, and yet quite evident, role such person plays as a role model to the highly impressionable youths of such territories. In addition, the position of President automatically confers on the holder of such office, the status of Mentor-extraordinaire to citizens of his country and represents the face of a territory to the international community.

It is for the above enumerated reasons that the issue of integrity, uprightness, truthfulness and fidelity be not only imbued in whosoever becomes the President of a country but also manifest and exude for all to see. In climes desirous of progress, the foregoing qualities must reside in the Head of Government and when these qualities are found wanting, it inhibits possibilities of ascending to the Presidency. If a person has already ascended to the Office of President, the discovery that the foregoing qualities were absent, were falsely assumed or become compromised, provides sufficient reason for the pretender to the office of President to either resign his position or get thrown out of office to avoid continued desecration of a position of trust.

On the converse, in territories where corruption has been elevated from a scourge to the status of an ‘accepted’ way of life, the issue of truthfulness, integrity and related virtues are considered external and tertiary luxuries which are of no moment in deciding who leads, or to be more apt, who rules or continues to rule, where the vice of deceit is discovered in the course of an elected politicians tenure.

It is with the foregoing in mind that effort will be made here to appraise the present ruler of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, who alongside the political platform upon which he got (s)elected as President, are striving assiduously to retell the tales and belie their various promise which were told the Nigerian populace prior to the 2015 Presidential elections.

From the failure to abide by a self-declared undertaking to publicly declare his assets and ensure that all his appointees likewise declare their assets; to failure to stand by a publicly proclaimed resolve affirming that the unconstitutional Office of the First Lady of the Federal Republic would not be maintained in the event that he won elections; to total discountenance of a firm commitment to eradicate Boko Haram from the Nigerian landscape within 2 months of getting into office; to the recent pronouncements from the Presidency that nothing and absolutely nothing was promised or assured Nigerians prior to the (s)election of Muhammadu Buhari as President, a renunciation ably affirmed by the National Publicity Officer of Mr. President's political party, Mr. Lai Mohammed (a very apt name for a man whose livelihood is based on his ability to hoodwink the public), who added that nothing was promised to Nigerians within the frst 100 days and that anyone who thought otherwise could go to court; and denial of a "Covenant With Nigerians" (see link below) which had been well publicized prior to the elections; Nigerians have come to realize that they have been scammed into (s)electing a character, adept at masquerading as a man “who comes with a reputation of integrity”, whose very and every words are not worth the paper they are written on, as President, alongside his cabal of unscrupulous opportunistic politicians.

The implications of the various lies told on the way towards ensuring electoral victory has both domestic and international implications. At the domestic level, we will have to live with the following dire outcomes:
a. It has dawned on Nigerians that nothing said, either directly or by implication, by this regime is bankable. We will have to take each day as we see it and gird our loins for whatsoever is thrown at us (or in the alternative be ready to do the needful to bring the continuing aura of deceit and impunity to a halt before its expected termination in May 2019).
b. Our youths and those aspiring to positions of leadership may become infused with the believe that it is okay to say whatsoever merely to get elected, and once the elections are over, deny all that was ever said, published in concrete or wheresoever, as the mere hallucinations of the electorate; and
c. Our youths will believe that lies and deceit pays. If lying and falsehoods gets someone the plumiest job and position in the land, why not tell a few lies to get bye, whether in business, social life or otherwise.
In keeping with the mentorship of the rulership, there will clearly be a corresponding increase in episodes of the notorious ‘advance fee fraud’ {419 scams} routinely associated with Nigerians if the rot being perpetuated on Nigeria and Nigerians are not immediately redressed.;

At the international level, in addition to the soiled image bequeathed on the Nigerian state by decades of kleptomaniac rulership, military and civilian alike, which has served to render our otherwise very vibrant and resourceful population to a life of destitution in several foreign territories, it will become extremely difficult for members of the international community to enter into bilateral and multilateral covenants with a regime that cannot keep its covenant to its own population. It will be myopic for anyone to think that the lies being told to Nigerians by the present régime, in this age of the internet, has not become known to all and sundry across the globe.

Is all hope already lost? Certainly not! It is simply damned too early to lose all hope in a regime that has barely begun. The Buhari regime may yet decide to retrace its steps from its path of falsehoods, lies, deceit and denials and chart a new course along the path of truthful engagement with its population.  When all cards are properly laid on the table and apologies for misdeeds rendered, then a fresh start based on fundamental virtues of truth, justice and integrity may yet be initiated.

If this is done, Nigerians are ever ready to join hands with the regime and explore means of righting wrongs and moving the polity along. If however the regime continues in its arrogant mien of a conqueror who has ‘successfully conned the people’, history and reality teaches all that whatever that is founded on falsehood is merely transient and that once a people have become aware that they are victims of deceit and fraud, those who perpetuated the fraud to get into office are no different from armed hoodlums who seize a territory and hold the citizens therein captive – you may have power, but lack legitimacy! In the goodness of time, the people will take back what rightly belongs to them.

The now denied "My Covenant With Nigerians": http://bit.ly/1O61MHm

Picture: President Muhammadu Buhari 

Friday, August 21, 2015

West Africa says NO to 'Legalization'!





CONCERNED about the aggressive efforts by some persons and organizations to ensure that countries in the West Africa sub-region alter their laws and policies to legalize some substances classified as illicit under international laws,

ALARMED at the likely impact on the West Africa sub-region of the legalization of illicit substances (particularly marijuana)

WORRIED about the implications on the rights and welfare of children, particularly the right to a meaningful existence and protection from harm) and overall Public Health of the legalization of addictive substances presently classified as illicit under international and domestic laws;

CONSCIOUS of the contiguous nature of countries in the West Africa sub-region and the fact that what affects one country eventually affects all in a very short time frame;

REALIZING that the lack of a committed Civil Society (CSO) and informed stakeholders response to the aggressive efforts to legalization of illicit substances might have sent the wrong impression that the West African sub-region and its peoples desired such affronts to commonsense;

ENCOURAGED by the convocation of the United Nations General Assembly on the Worlds Drug Problems (UNGASS - 2016) as a veritable means to announce to the world at large the views of the peoples of West Africa regarding Substance abuse laws, policies and programs; and

DESIROUS of ensuring that the voice of the peoples of the West Africa sub-region are heard at the global arena regarding issues of Substance abuse;

The participants at the 1st West Africa Forum on Drugs now resolve as follows:

  1. In view of the weak economic situations of most countries in the West Africa sub-region, Drug Abuse Prevention strategies and programs, which have been proven to be cost effective, should take prominence over all others in addressing the Substance abuse scourge.

  1. Taking cognizance of the need to prioritize concern for Public Health and the Right and Welfare of Children in all matters, Substance abuse laws, policies and programs in the West Africa sub-region-rights should ensure that the interest of children and public health are held paramount.

  1. Targeted sensitization programs should be undertaken to enlighten and equip key stakeholders in addressing the Substance abuse situation, particularly Legislators, Policy formulators and administrators and CSO’s, with information that will enhance their efficacy and understanding of the dire cost on society of Substance abuse.

  1. There is need to actively and effectively seek the cooperation and integration of Religious and Community/Traditional organizations in ensuring success in activities geared towards curbing the adverse impact of Substance abuse on society.

  1. Substance abuse education should be effectively incorporated into the curricular of all academic institutions in the sub-region with a view to infusing into the Children and youth relevant prevention skills to avoid abusing substances.

  1. As is the case with tobacco products and alcohol, legalization of addictive products makes such products easily available to a population, and despite whatsoever safeguard measures put in place to prevent access of Children and Youths to such products, Children and Youths eventually, to their own and society’s detriment, find a way to access such products. 

  1. That addiction to substances should be recognized and addressed as a mental health infirmity and not strictly a crime-based issue.

  1. There is need to strengthen the manpower and infrastructure available across the West Africa sub-region for the treatment, care and rehabilitation of substance abuse related ailments.

  1. Taking into consideration the poor state of public health infrastructure and manpower, and the fact that basic/primary health care needs already overwhelm the health care system in the sub-region, the Legalization of some substances (presently categorized as illicit under international laws) will be most injurious to the already weakened public health care environment in the sub-region.

  1. The Governments and peoples of the West Africa sub-region should resist efforts being championed from forces external to the sub-region, to legalize some substances of abuse, particularly marijuana.  

  1. That following from this Forum, efforts should be increased, via the convocation of group specific summits, for instance, Youth Summit, Traditional Rulers Summit, Health Workers Summit, Legislators Summit, and so on, focused on galvanizing a unified response and approach to the sub-region wide Substance abuse scourge facing West Africa.

Forum Secretariat, 1st West Africa Forum on Drugs

10th July 2015, Lagos, Nigeria

Pictures from the 1st West Africa Forum on Drugs:

Saturday, August 15, 2015

We Were Scammed! - The Many Lies of Mr. President

by Eze Eluchie

I will declare my assets, publicly.
- Muhammadu Buhari.

Conscious of the yearnings by Nigerians for greater level of transparency from those who aspire to lead the country, Mr. Buhari, whilst campaigning to be elected President expressly reiterated in his ‘I Pledge To Nigerians’, ‘to publicly declare my assets and liabilities, encourage all my appointees to publicity declare their assets and liabilities as a pre-condition for appointment’.

Immediately upon being sworn into office, drastic changes, amounting to violent assaults on the pledge to publicly declare assets became pronounced. Recourse was had to legalese, subterfuge under contrived protocols and bureaucracy and even direct insults on the sensibilities of the populace, with some of his aides asking Nigerians to ‘show proof’ that any such ‘pledges’ were made.

By his failure to publicly declare his assets upon being sworn into office (and ensuring that his appointee thus far do same), Mr. Buhari has created an enabling environment for monumental fleecing for self-enrichment of the Nigerian treasury, as it becomes impossible for the Nigerian public and interested parties to gauge his assets prior to entry into office and at the expiry of his tenure.

Over 70 days after his ascendance into the Office of President of the Federal Republic, Muhammadu Buhari has failed to publicly declare his assets.

Muhammadu Buhari, on this score, lied!

There is no office of the First lady in the Nigerian constitution.
- Muhammadu Buhari

In selecting the falsehoods to be highlighted in this series, generous allowances are made for the usual hot balloons emitted by politicians in the heat of campaigns and focus is had merely to lies that give an insight into the character trait of Mr. President.

The need to reduce wastage in governance by scrapping the Office of the First Lady, a scam that had been transformed to a monumental drain-pipe of public funds, had over the years become an ideal dear to Nigerians. To cash in on this fad, whilst responding to questions from newsmen in Kaduna during the period preceding the 2015 presidential elections, Nigerians were unequivocally assured that such an office was unconstitutional and would have no place in his government, if he won the elections.

The Office of First Lady of the Federal Republic is in 'keeping with the pledge', now non-existent. In its place however, is the Office of the Wife of the President, occupying the very same office space as the Office of First Lady of the Federal Republic, serviced by an equal number of Special and Personal Assistants, security paraphernalia and lavish logistic arrangement all at great expense to the public purse. In addition, a ‘pet project’ of the WotP, the main funnel of public waste, is in the process of being unleashed on the helpless masses who had hoped for 'change'.

Muhammadu Buhari, on this score, again lied.

We will crush Boko Haram within two months
- Muhammadu Buhari

Coming from an uninformed aspirant to political office, the above statement made by President Buhari would not have qualified for inclusion in any serious ‘list of lies’, as ignorance of the intricacies of overcoming insurgencies would have been rightly presumed. Here, however, we have a retired General and former Commander-in-Chief of a country’s armed forces, who is presumed to at the very least appreciate the nature of tackling amorphous, armed entities. More worrisome is the fact that some elements in our military might have been led by Buhari's comments to mistrust the capability of their then C-in-C and his Military Commanders to lead and proceeded, in one instances, to shoot at their commanding officers, run AWOL from their position and generally suffer from a loss of morale. The comments however served to bolster the terrorists.

Well over 2 months after Mr. Muhammadu Buhari was sworn into office as President, Boko Haram has continued to increase in its viciousness and evil, attacking and killing Nigerians with reckless abandon. Early this week, we lost over 40 of our compatriots to a Boko Haram terror attack in Maidugri, Bornu State – and the only response from the Federal Government remains the much worn-out lie that the terror outfit will be ‘destroyed in no time’. Bunkum!

This lie was treacherous and bothered on treasonable felony.

At the swearing in of the new Chiefs of the various services of the Nigerian Armed Forces a few days ago, Mr. President shifted the goal post and ‘ordered’ the service chiefs of ‘destroy’ Boko Haram within 3 months. Not even the President of the United States or any of the international military powers will dare fix a time-frame within which to destroy terror organizations.

Muhammadu Buhari, on this score yet again, you lied!

Pictures: President Buhari, a poster congratulating an appointee to the Office of The Wife of The President and the Boko Haram insignia.