Sunday, May 22, 2016

Accepting 'Blood' Endowments?

by Eze Eluchie,

Something certainly does not add up here - a Billionaire who hails from and principally resides in impoverished, squalid and education-deprived hot-bed of Boko Haram terrorist operations in Nigeria’s north-eastern region, Bornu State, decides to donate the princely sum of US$14 Million to advance the cause of education - and where does he donate this sum? To the richly endowed University of Lynn in Florida, United States!!

The authorities and entire community of University of Lynn, Florida, which is the instant beneficiary of billionaire Mohammed Indimi’s donation, should perhaps wonder if indeed the gift they have received has by depriving the people of Bornu State of basic amenities, in any way, fueled the activities of Boko Haram in Bornu State and its axis.  Would the purpose of humanity not have been better served if the Mr. Indimi had been encouraged to devote his cash to uplifting the youths of Bornu, whose endemic impoverishment provides a ready and endless recruitment base for Boko Haram and other extremist Islamist terrorist groups operating in the north-eastern enclave of Nigeria and across West Africa? Is the University of Lynn wiling to be held responsible for further abductions, killings, be-headings and kidnapping of Nigerians and foreigners alike by the terrorist operating in this area arising from the further impoverishment of this hot-bed of Boko Haram activities by the cash flight which this donation directly represents? 

This is happening at a time when the Nigerian Government is going cap-in-hand to the ‘international community’ seeking for foreign aid to re-build basic educational infrastructure destroyed by Boko Haram terror elements in the same region where the Billionaire hails from.

To garnish the pretense, a lame-duck ‘Safe School Initiative Project’ which promises to be a drain-pipe for some easy cash fleeced out of tax-payer funds from some western seeks to fund educational activities in what is essentially a war-torn zone where even local civil authority structures is yet to be out in place. In essence, no one will be able to verify or confirm if funds granted for the building of a school was actually expended on building a school or merely found its way back into a personal account in the Cayman Islands or the Isles of Man.

The authorities of academic institutions in older democracies should be a bit more circumspect in accepting donations and or endowments that may be tainted or turn out to cause more harm for the areas from whence such donations emanated. At the same time, Tax-payers in the United States, the United Kingdom or other democratic countries whose leaders opt to accord dubious and wasteful ‘foreign aids’ should demand more accountability from their Governments. Assurance of access to some of these dubious ‘foreign aids’ largess’s fuels all manners of violence perpetuated on peoples in so-called emerging societies, inclusive of most of the countries in Sub Sahara Africa.

Picture: Billonaire Indimi, flanked by officials University of Lynn, Florida.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Products of the Wasted Generation!

by Eze Eluchie,

Octogenarian Nobel laureate, Wole Soyinka, once described his generation of Nigerians as a ‘wasted generation’.

What would be a proper title for the offspring’s, products of this wasted generation?

A generation who cower in the face of infamy;
...who rather than push back when pushed to the wall, will strive to scratch out more space from the wall;
...who rather than stand to challenge their ‘fantastically corrupt’ rulers, will bow in obeisance and worship to criminal elements.

We sure are on track to being the none-generation; a generation which posterity will wish never existed.

And our products?

It is never too late to redefine and refocus – the generation might yet be redeemed.

We might yet have some hope if we restructure and renegotiate the contraption that has held down a generation and people of universally acclaimed individual brilliance and intelligence.

Picture: Wasted!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

2016 EUROVISION: Continued Vilification of the Russian Bear.

by Eze Eluchie,

The pettiness of the West in its relationship with Russia is getting quite worrisome, particularly when it is realized that Bears have a tendency to strike back when pushed to the wall.

From the maligning of FIFA over its choice of Moscow as host of the FIFA World Cup (under the guise of probe into corruption in FIFA, a FIFA which has corruption embedded in its ethos and creed since its inception), to aggressive efforts at rubbishing the gains of preventing the ouster of Syrian President Al Assad by extremist Islamist groups and now rewarding a song which makes reference to sordid events in Russia’s history with its Tatar ethnic group with the Eurovision Song contest prize for 2016, there appears to be a deliberate effort to provoke some sort of reaction from the Russian Bear that was near-mortally wounded by the collapse of the Soviet Union.

At a period when the world is facing perennial threats from extremist terrorist groups when unity of purpose amongst global powers is vital to ensure victory against forces who wish to impose retrogression on the world, it is unnecessary, bothering on being foolhardy, to continually seek to provoke an entity that ought to be an ally or in the very least a partner in eliminating extremists terrorists.

It is not unlikely that if the current posture to discredit, embarrass and vilify Russia continues, internal forces therein will opt for a backlash, that may be deemed disproportionate by some, against the several unfriendly acts. Such backlash will certainly not be in sync with efforts at defeating Islamist terrorism and sustaining global peace and harmony.

It is hoped that soon enough commonsense will prevail.

Picture: EUROVISION 2016 logo