Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A Nigerian Link To The Failed Coup In Turkey?

by Eze Eluchie,

From informed Turkish perspectives, funding for the failed coup plot was channeled by United States officials through Nigeria’s United Bank for Africa (UBA) to the coup plotters.

Considering that thousands of Nigerians fly through Turkey (via Turkish Airways), and the growing penchant by Turkish authorities to arrest and detain all and sundry with the remotest of links (if any) to the failed coup attempt, one is left to wonder if there was any national (Nigerian) interest in partaking in the failed coup plot or if merely it was personal interests by a despot willing to do whatsoever for the system that helped him into office.

Was the irrationality of a Nigerian-link to the failed coup founded on the perception that the segment of the Nigerian population most at risk, by virtue of their frequent business travels through Turkey, from a Nigerian involvement in the failed coup plot in Turkey belong to the ‘5% voter’ segment the Nigerian rulers has vowed not to treat equally as those who gave him ‘97% of votes’?

No doubt, on account of his extremist views, so many entities, interested in peace across the Middle East would have more than a passing interest in regime change in Turkey, but in real terms, of what precise benefits and concern would it be to Nigerians or the Nigerian contraption to effect regime change in Turkey, at great risk to segments of the Nigerian population?

In this era of a much trumpeted ‘war against corruption’ orchestrated by the ruling junta in Nigeria, how was it possible for such money laundering activities to pass through a Nigerian Bank? Unless of course the entire ‘war against corruption’ was, as many are now becoming aware, a vindictive ploy to besmear and do away with perceived and real political foes.

The times are interesting and perilous

Turkish Publication – Yeni Safak:

Picture:  Scene from the coup in Turkey and the logo of Nigeria’s United Bank for Africa.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Lessons From Turkey’s Failed Coup 1

by Eze Eluchie,

A common theme and image that comes out from the now failed attempt to depose of the Tayyip Erdogan-led government in Turkey, was the exceptional restraint shown by the coupists when confronted by unarmed civilians. The soldiers, well armed, some in fortified armoured tanks, occupying strategic positions that placed them, generally, at an advantageous position from counter-attacks from other soldiers who might want to oppose the coup, simply choose not to open fire on their unarmed civilian compatriots.

There is no doubt what would have transpired if the coupist-soldiers had been confronted by equally armed soldiers - there would have been a bloody shoot-out that would have further polarized the Turkish society and perhaps activated a hasty descent into civil war.

The narrative on the coup would, no doubt, have been quite different if the soldiers had upon meeting resistance by unarmed civilians decided to shoot. The civilian would have been massacred. The high fatalities recorded would have either spurred greater resistance (or more bloodshed) or served to cow resistance and thus ensure that the coup succeeded.

The refusal by the soldiers to stand their grounds against unarmed civilians stands the coupist-soldiers as persons who generally understand their role as defenders of the State/people and not robots who simply obey the orders of their superiors. There clearly is a filial connection between the People of Turkey and the Turkish Military.

Considering that virtually all the key institutions of the Turkish State had been taken over by the coupists or soldiers loyal to them within a few hours of the coup, it will be clearly illusory for the present Turkish rulership to ascribe the failure of the coup bid in any way to itself or its popularity.

What was the secret? Turkey is broadly speaking a nation, as opposed to being a multi-national contraption with every component of the contraption striving to outdo the other even at the detriment of the whole.

What would have been the outcome if a similar situation was to play out in a contraption, as we have across Sub Sahara Africa, where the co-inhabitants feel foisted upon each other and there is no sense of nationhood? The soldiers would have gleefully shot, crushed and vanquished all unarmed civilians in their range. Going by the way security operatives in most Sub Sahara African countries clearly look forward to using live bullets on the population they are supposed to protect and whose taxes found their existence, the nightmarish and bloody outcome of physically blocking tanks, confronting armed coup plotters and their agents, in such countries is not difficult to realize.

Until we have nation-states in Africa, any group of opportunistic soldiers who have access to requisite armoury with sufficient number of sadistic soldiers in their midst who would not mind mowing down a couple of thousand civilians on their path to power, can and will, under appropriate conditions, stage successful coup d’etats. To prevent coup d'etats from reoccurring across Sub Sahara African states, the countries in that region simply have to be restructured to meet the qualities of nation-states.

Erdogan’s treatment of the coupists who, rather than spill more Turkish blood on Turkish streets, voluntarily surrendered, will go a long way to determine the eventual outcome of the botched coup. The seeming survival of the Erdogan junta is merely a minuscule temporary outcome. 

Tomorrow yet comes.

Picture: Unarmed civilians confront armed soldiers in Turkey. 

Friday, July 8, 2016

Killing of Black Americans by US Police - The Murderous Orgies Approaches Its Crescendo.

by Eze Eluchie,

Clearly, the United States needs international help in addressing its growing racism problem which has the potential of assuming genocidal proportions. The main difference between what transpired in apartheid South Africa and what is going on now in the US, with regards to entrenched police murder and maltreatment of Black Americans, is that in the former, there was a clear cut message as to what, where and when Blacks were tolerated or not, as opposed to in the later where there is a fatally deceptive semblance of freedom and equality, and one could easily get killed for doing whatsoever, wheresoever and at any time for merely being Black.

Yet, you will have some supposed intellectuals trying to explain away this latest murder of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, and Phillando Castile in St. Paul, Minnesota, urging that those who have already been transformed to corpses should have prostrated on the floor on sighting persons who are supposed to be law enforcement offices and going to great lengths to stress out what truly remarkable and great sacrifices cops make to keep the society safe – keep such rationalization and bunkum for the trash-bins.

With the election of a half-white-half-black President in the United States (the greatest misnomer in modern political history has been the common reference to Barack Obama as a Black American President, he is clearly half-White, half-Black), the killings has sky-rocketed in a palpable show of hatred expressing the muted phrase that: “whilst you can have the White House, we still gonna kill you”. With rising ultra-nationalism bothering on extremist bigotry being raised to the pedestal of electioneering issues, there is bound to be increased violence against identifiable peoples by the system.

The systematic and routine killing of Black Americans by White law enforcement officials in the US are developing a pattern and is assuming the status of a crime against humanity as envisioned under the Rome Statute and a proper case for adjudication at the international arena.

As with the murderers of Travon Martins, Eric Garner and several others and the over 100 unarmed Black Americans killed by police men in the US in year 2015, the murderers of Alton Sterling, Phillando Castile and others to follow, will walk home, ‘free’ and ‘innocent’, and probably make a few millions auctioning the murder weapons, talking of how they committed murder or just writing a book on ‘how to murder and walk free’.

Video of shooting of Alton Sterling:
Video of aftermath of shooting of Phillando Castile:

NB: After this piece was written, it was confirmed that 5 police officers in Dallas were murdered by snipers, apparently in retaliation against the too frequent murders of Black Americans by police officers - this is a most unfortunate descent down a path the United States can least afford to thread at this time, or any other time for that matter. The murders must simply stop, lest full anarchy erupts. 

Picture: The murderers in police uniform MUST be stopped!