Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sustaining mediocrity

by Eze Eluchie

Do these characters ruling over our contraption really appreciate what harm they are inflicting?

On the same day that US President Obama is visiting Kindergarten schools to promote government investment in early childhood education and makes a generational statement to the effect that: "the size of your paycheck shouldn't determine your child's future. So let's fix this. Let's make sure none of our kids start out the race of life a step behind", it gets announced that over 81% of primary school teachers in one of the component States of our contraption actually failed ‘mathematics and basic literacy tests’ meant for pupils in 4th grade classes!

Are we readying our contraption for the present? Are we thinking of tomorrow? Are we believing tomorrow will think for itself? Perhaps some miracles will happen and it will all be well?

Let us all realize one fact: unless an apocalyptic event happens, such as the earth opening and swallowing all up, these kids being tutored by illiterate teachers will grow up.
These kids will want to eat!
These kids will want self fulfillment and self actualization!

When they realize what our contraption has groomed them to be, sleep will be difficult for all.

Our kleptocrats, who would have looted monies which would have accorded these youths a life, will feel that the loot they have stashed away in some offshore havens will cushion themselves and their scions from the rot.

It doesn’t really work that way. There soon will be no refuge anywhere, save for lonely prison cells, for such vile characters, and those offspring’s they ruined so many for, will soon realize that sleep is difficult when your neighbors’ kids are whining all night.

We are presently overwhelmed with youth militancy, kidnap-for-peanuts and amateurs masquerading as religious terrorists, when these kids grow up, we will realize that we are actually experiencing our honeymoon.

Let’s restructure and renegotiate the contraption whilst these kids are still in school.

Picture: Nigeria's Education Minister,  Ms. Ruqayyatu Ahmed Rufai


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